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Holy Trinity & Altcar Parsh Church - St Michael and All Angels.

Mark Writes
Waiting with the Prophets: Kingdom Imagination
One of my favourite Bible characters is Zachariah, John the Baptist’s Dad. He is a priest, but also, like his Old Testament namesake, a prophet. It is his turn to burn incense in the Temple, an honour for both him and his family. It’s a ritual he will have rehearsed, more than once, it’s not something you would want to mess up. But then, at the altar, he has Gabriel standing beside him. Zachariah’s response seems to echo the writer of ancient text of Ecclesiastes, “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiates1.9) He, pessimistically, thinks things are as they are, his wife Elizabeth is barren, there’s nothing that can be done, despite having Archangel Gabriel, who stands in the very presence of God, telling him what to believe, Zachariah remains, for this moment, devoid of hope. Scolded by Gabriel for his cynicism; for a carnal imagination that sees no earthly possibility of change, Zachariah is struck dumb.
Nine months pass, nine months of struggle and doubt, nine months to brood… and nine months to pray and revisit the prophets, with their Kingdom imagination fired by the Spirit – to hear God speak through Isaiah, “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43.18-19). And Zachariah does perceive the new thing; and it is so spectacular, so beyond the gift of a son to Elizabeth and himself, that he, fired by the Spirit, exclaims, “The dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1.78-79)
I write this on the eve of Christ the King, and I wonder if I can encourage in a thought experiment: imagine Jesus, With the ‘eyes of your heart opened’ (Ephesians 1.18), regally dressed, reigning right in the space where you are, and too, somewhere a long way away. For, Jesus’ reign is not a million miles away, nor years either, but right now – can you perceive it?
Back to those verses from Isaiah: I wonder, what do we need to forget as a church, and what might be the new thing, we, with Kingdom imagination, need to see? So here is a prayer for us all this Advent, borrowed from the Apostle Paul writing to the church in Ephesus, as we wait with Zachariah, and all the prophets:
I pray that the Father of Glory may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, with the eyes of your heart enlightened with a Kingdom imagination to perceive the eternal, now and forever, reign of Christ in the life of his church in the world. Amen.
You can read Zachariah’s story in Luke chapter 1.
God bless
Follow The Star CALM and BRIGHT

Bishop John’s Christmas message
Finding calm at Christmas
Are you calm? We live in tense, anxious times worried about global conflict, climate change, the cost of living, the increased tensions and divisions in society. When we retreat into our church communities, we become anxious about numbers, finance, and buildings. As a church we stress about the theological and doctrinal divisions that we strive to avoid tearing us apart.
It is hard to find calm. In church life finding calm at Christmas is nearly impossible. It is the season where the work seems to increase. Christmas fairs, carol concerts, extra services all great in themselves yet all increasing the business and stress. Then there is the getting ready for the festivities, shopping, cooking, decorating – all things to aid our enjoyment but all adding to the pressure, the stress, the noise.
We need calm. We cannot live our lives at full pace, hurling ourselves from one thing to the other. That’s why we have the sabbath, made for humanity by an omnipresent God, A God who does not need to rest but recognised at the moment of creation that the world would need peace. At least for a moment.
Silent Night, Gruber’s famous carol first performed on Christmas Eve, has formed the inspiration for the church of England’s advent and Christmas campaign 2024. It offers a note of calm often in the midst of a rousing carol service or concert. It is in itself a simple quiet carol that contrasts with most of the others we sing and provides a moment to reflect quietly on the beautiful moment of God’s incarnation. Through the inevitable trauma of labour and childbirth comes the time when all is still and we can sleep in heavenly peace. While the shepherds are quaking and the choirs of angels are singing, at the centre is the calming presence of Jesus. Jesus, who later would calm the storm, would model times for prayer and solitude in the midst of his busy ministry, and would stand calmly defiant in the face of the persecution that led to his victory on the cross.
We all have storms in our lives and we all need to recognise for the people and communities we serve Christmas is not always a time of joy and celebration,  but can be an occasion when the storms in their lives reach a crescendo and they need calm.
This Advent, this Christmas, I pray that your church can be for you and for your community a place of calm. That you can bring yourselves and others to stand before the Prince of Peace to find the peace, the calm that you need this Christmas.
Bishop John
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
As we enter Advent, our eyes turn towards the coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, not just as a memory of His first appearance but also looking forward to Him returning to renew and put right the whole world.  In these uncertain days, when we find ourselves helpless to influence the powers and rulers of the nations, our prayers for God’s righteousness to change His creation are as necessary as they ever have been. We pray for all who are oppressed, subjected to poverty and slavery. We pray for the famine and drought countries, where the rulers do not care whether the ordinary people die. We pray for all war-torn areas, where no one wins, and the main loss of life is amongst the young men, the future of that nation.
We pray for the Wreathing and Carol Services, the Nativity Play by Churches Together, and all activities which highlight the momentous event that we are celebrating, the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We pray for all who do not yet understand who Jesus really is, that they may be drawn to inquire and be given the opportunity of an encounter with the Living Lord.
We pray for all who will be alone and lonely at this time, and those for whom this time of year has difficult or sad memories.  We pray that we may have sensitive hearts and be prepared to reach out to those in distress.  We pray that we may not only give pretty wrapped presents to those we love, but be drawn to give of ourselves, to give love to those we do not know.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6
Church Christmas Decorations
This year we are having 12x2ft rooted Christmas trees to fit in the windows.
The trees will be £32 each or you may donate towards the cost of the trees. Should you wish to purchase a tree and decorate it, you can take it home after Christmas to plant in your garden. The theme this year is Christmas Carols.
The trees will be delivered to Church on Monday 29th November, so can be decorated from Saturday 30th November, they must all be decorated by no later than Friday 6th December, ready for Maggie’s big sing on Saturday 7th December.
The cost or a donation towards the cost can be made to the office.  
COMING Up in December
6th December -9am Wreath making in the Parish Hall.
All helpers, welcome experienced and new. Just turn up and join in the fun of making the wreaths for the important wreathing service.
8th December 3pm Wreathing Service in Holy Trinity Church.
A unique annual event, so do come along and see the Church being wreathed during this service. It’s quite spectacular.
6th December Sweet Friday Ladies Evening -8pm in the Jubilee Hall. All ladies’ welcome.
Free to attend come and enjoy tea, coffee and cake and experience a canapés masterclass demonstration. 
7th December 10am -12 noon -Maggie’s Big Carols Singalong in Holy Trinity Church. This is a fabulous way to spend a Saturday morning, socialising and singing Carols and hearing interesting readings and poems. Tea and coffee and bacon baps available to purchase. Mega raffle.
All money raised will be split between Queenscourt and Woodlands Hospices.
15th December 3pm -St Michaels Carol Service
22nd December 10.30am -Café Carols & Communion Service
24th December 10am -Tiddler Toddlers Christmas Service
                                       -Christingle making in the Workshop
                             11.30pm - Midnight Holy Communion in Holy Trinity Church
25th December 11am- Christingle Service in Holy Trinity Church

Our mailing address is:
Holy Trinity Church

Rosemary Lane

Formby, L37 3HA

United Kingdom

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