Holy Trinity & Altcar Parsh Church - St Michael and All Angels.
“We need to be confident in the story - which is our story - that the scriptures tell.” - Bishop John
Bishop John has again given us a summer Bible reading challenge and it’s a big one: to read the entire Bible over the summer period.
I’m under no illusion that we’ll get everyone doing this, but I’m praying some of you just might give it a go, and, since the Bible reading challenge began, at Holy Trinity and St Michael’s, we’ve adapted our summer preaching series to complement the challenge and we’re not going to duck out now. So, seven Sundays, from the 21st of July to the 1st of September to tell the Story to which all other stories point.
To help us the bishop will guide us in our reading utilising the “Rule of Life” website. He writes, “strong biblical knowledge is expected of all disciples and we need to be confident in the story - which is our story - that the scriptures tell. We tend to be timid when we approach the Bible daunted by the challenge it poses in our heads but we don’t need to be. So join me this summer as together we read this marvellous book and unlock the many treasures we find within it.”
For the seven weeks we’ll be merging our services at Holy Trinity, with refreshments from 10.00am the service will begin at 11 with opportunities to ask some hard questions over the summer..
On Saturday the 13th July you are warmly invited to St Michael & All Angel’s summer fayre from 2-4pm, and the following Saturday (20th) we will be opening Holy Trinity for a welcome day from 11am -2pm
Do think about who could join you. See details in coming up in July below.
I’m really excited too that we will be again running the good news holiday club 50 years after its original inception; from 19th to 23rd August daily 10am- 11.59am for KS1 & KS2 children – More information to follow in the August Newsletter.
Holiday at Home is again running 5th to the `7th of August.. See Details in Coming up in August below for Holy Trinity hosting day.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Tim 2:1-2
We pray for our general election, that those who God wishes to promote to the high office of parliament, will be elected. We pray for all who govern our land, that they may serve with integrity, and make decisions that are in the best interests of all the people, including the poor, the needy and the outsider.
We pray for the countries of the world that are ruled by fear and the greed of those in power, that new leaders, with hearts for their people, will replace those who are after their own rewards.
We pray that the peace of God, Himself, will come into those places where the ordinary people are suffering, with famine, lack of medical care, and constant bombardment.
We pray for the coming summer holidays, with children off school, and many families struggling to look after them, with no free school meals each day. We pray for all those schemes which cater for them, keeping them safe and showing them the love of Christ.
With floods and heat waves demonstrating the depth of climate change, we pray for all affected, for the families who have lost lives and homes, for all nations where this is causing a problem for their economies, for all the poorer nations who can’t afford to close coal fired power stations, and are scorned by the rich countries. We pray that we all will try to stop making it worse.
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ Genesis 8:22
Congregational singers wanted for radio recording at Liverpool Cathedral
Liverpool Cathedral Choir is taking part in a recording for BBC Radio 4 at the Cathedral on Friday 5th July. This is for a Sunday service that will be broadcast live on Sunday 21st July, Centenary Day.
The BBC would like us to sing 4 hymns led by the Cathedral Choir and including other singers too.
Stephen Mannings, Director of Music at Liverpool Cathedral said "We’d be honoured if any of you (and your singing friends who aren’t in the L64) might come and sing hymns with us on 5th July. You need to be at the cathedral from 6.30-7.45 pm."
If you are able, please fill in this short form to register and request the hymns in advance
Pizza Eaters -Next Meeting is Wednesday 3rd July - 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm.
Held in the Church Foyer.
All young people from year 6 and above are very welcome.
We have pizza (obviously), fun friendship, talking about faith in our lives, supporting each other.
Please ring Sylvia on 07872314103 if you are interested..
On Saturday 6th July the Pizza Eaters will be in charge of the Workshop , bacon butte and coffee morning. Come and support our young people's efforts.
Saturday 6th July 2.30 pm in Holy Trinity Church
Charity Piano Recital in aid of Sudan
For the second year running
Performance by :
Gabriel Bala -Basu 10 Years Old!
Chopin, Mendelssohn, Debussy & more… A real treat.
Free entry; donations welcome
‘Be Still’ Prayer Course on Tuesday evenings.
2nd & 9th July
In the Prayer Room 7.30 pm. Come and join us its good
Thursday 11th July Mothers Union 2pm
Strawberry tea and bubbly at the Vicarage - £4 per person
Pease bring a friend but let the Mother's Union know..
All welcome
Friday 12th July Sweet Friday at 8pm
Join us at 8.00pm to 9.30pm for am evening of music and song.
Enjoy a glass of Pimm's along with fresh strawberries and cream.
In the Jubilee Hall, Holy Trinity Church, Rosemary Lane, Formby
L37 3HA
Don't forget to invite your friends.
Sweet Friday in September is Friday 13th September .
Saturday 13th July St Michael & All Angels Church Altcar
Summer Fare 2.00pm -4.00pm
You are invited to come along and enjoy afternoon tea in the grounds, browse the stalls jigsaws, fancy goods, Homemade cakes and refreshments. Listen to and join in with music and explore this pretty church...
All are welcome
Come & see Welcome day at Holy Trinity Church
Saturday 2th July 11.00am -2.00pm at Holy Trinity
A chance to discover
Guides & Scouting display
Weddings & Christenings- how can we help you?
Tiddler, Toddlers- assisting with those early years
Good News Holiday Club Preview
Prayer Tent
Coffee Mornings-a place to make friends
Walking Group
Pizza Eaters-our Young People's group
Free BBQ
Holiday At Home
Holiday at Home brochures are available from Church.
Holy Trinity is again hosting the Singalong and more , Cuppa & cake chat with Maggie & Mandy & Alan on Monday 12th August in the Parish Hall. Donations for MacMillan Cancer.
80 places available . You need to complete a booking form and return to The Methodist Church Formby before 15th July if you wish to come. Taxi: Drop off and pick up in front of Church.
Would you like to come and help please to serve tea and coffee and should you wish to bake a cake it would be very much appreciated.. Please call Maggie on 07717279479 if you are able to help on the day or bake a cake .
Good News Holiday Club 50th Anniversary
19th – 23rd August, Monday to Friday 10.00am – 11.59 am.
Further details to follow.
‘The Loft’, Men’s Event 9.30 am – 11.00 am.
Meeting Every Friday morning in the Church Foyer. Except first Friday of the month will be in
The Lifeboat Pub. All men welcome
Prayer Club meeting Thursday 7.00 pm -8.00 pm
In the Prayer Room. Please text Sylvia 07872314103
Absolutely everyone is welcome.
Bible Study - Alternate Tuesday afternoon at Elisabeth's House.
Call Sylvia on 07872314103 should you wish to join and obtain details. All are very welcome.
Does God like ground elder?
Have you noticed that scruffy patch full of weeds in the church car park?
Or put another way, have you seen how there’s a patch where primroses and daffodils were followed by bluebells and a golden crop of dandelions, and where moon daisies are now sprawling? Have you paused to admire how beautiful the flowering grass heads are, or noticed how the bees loved the dandelions and the ladybirds are breeding on the moon daisies?
After observing “no mow May”, the wildlife patch has just had a June trim. This mainly involved clearing around the shrubs and edges, and cutting back the mares tails and some of the ground elder. Some of this has been left though, as even this bane of the tidy gardener has flowers which are great for insect life and seeds for the birds. The same goes for the ragwort which will flower later in the summer and is the habitat plant for burnet moths. Alkanet is being kept out of the main area but allowed to grow at the back, where it can compete with the tide of goldenrod which I hope will attract bullfinches in the autumn.
It may not look very Church of England, but if you take time to look closely at this little patch you’ll see trefoils, clover and other smaller flowering plants, as well as different varieties of grasses. The shrubs were chosen to attract pollinating insects too. At the back of the plot is a bird cherry tree, which nearly died in last summer’s heat but is fighting back this year.
So next time you’re in the car park, pause for a minute to marvel at the diversity of God’s creation. Now that there are paths cut through the long growth, I hope children and grown ups will enjoy a mini wildlife adventure.
Isabel Jordan
‘Eco Deanery’ - Sefton North secures 14 Eco Church Awards
Sefton North is being hailed the Diocese of Liverpool’s first ‘Eco Deanery’, with all 14 churches now holding either a Bronze or Silver Eco Church award.
The deanery set an intention four years ago for every church to secure an Eco Church award, and now seven hold Bronze awards, and seven hold Silver.
Area Dean, Rev Canon Anne Taylor said the success lay in working together as a deanery, identifying an Eco Champion or Eco Team to lead the work at each church, and sharing progress at regular meetings.
Canon Anne said, “I’m delighted now to have all 14 churches now with an Eco Church award. It’s great to have a sense of what we have achieved together, for the environment and for our witness, it is fabulous to have this many parishes and PCCs who have taken their environmental responsibility seriously..
Read more and find advice for your church's Eco journey her
Christian Aid
A big thank you from Cristian Aid. The envelope donations from church raised £1150.00. excluding gift aid which was amazing..
I am giving up Christian Aid this year so if you would like to take it on and become our Church Representative , please call me on 01704870738 Thank you, Jennifer Mathias.
Tanzania July Newsletters are available in Church..
Church Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday 9.00am to 12 noon
Tuesday & Thursday 10.00am to 12.00 noon