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Ways to Give

St Michael and All Angels relies entirely on voluntary contributions. Here are the different ways you can give:

  1. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is simply the best way you can support St Michael and All Angels, please click HERE for full details.

  2. Give in person on the collection plate located at the rear of church or in the donations box by cash or cheque.

  3. Via our Just Giving page: Details TBA

  4. Or you can send us a cheque in the post payable to St Michael and All Angels Parish Church, Rosemary Lane, Formby, Liverpool, L37 3HA.​​

  5. Bank Transfer: Please contact our treasurer Carol Kenyon (email TBA) and she will provide you with our bank details.

However you give please don’t forget Gift Aid, if you are a UK taxpayer you can Gift Aid your donations. For every £1you donate the government will pay St Michael and All Angels another 25p. If you are giving by the Parish Giving Scheme or Just Giving then you can gift aid through them. If you are giving by cheque or bank transfer and wish to gift aid your donation please complete a gift aid form and post it to the church office at Holy Trinity Church, Rosemary Lane, Formby, Liverpool, L37 3HA or scan or photograph the form and email it to the office.


You can find the Gift Aid form HERE.


Thank you for your support

Altcar Parsh Church - St Michael and All Angels Church 

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